Sunday, July 27, 2008

Just wondering?

I am wondering if it is ok for a child to comfort a parent. As I am typing this, at 2:15 am, my nine-year-old daughter Sam is reading a book out loud. I just shed a few tears and she quietly laid her head on my shoulder and said, "it will be all right".
Let me explain. My uncle recently commited suicide; my daughters do not know that he killed himself. He was a deeply disturbed man, with much physical and emotional pain. Tonight I came across a card that he sent me not to long ago. I had made him a scrapbook with old black and white pictures of his family in it. His card was thanking me for this and expressing how he had always wanted something like it.
My uncle Charlie was a kind and gentle soul who did not deserve what life dished out for him. I believe that God has forgiven him and has a place in his heart for him. I am sad for myself and my mom though. We no longer can answer the phone and then laugh our asses off. I remember that my mom and dad would go and visit him and I would call to talk to my mom. He would be in the background yelling and laughing and interupting our phone call. uggh. I miss him. I will always miss him.I am unsure of what to say to my mom sometimes. She is so sad sometimes and I don't want to come to her when I am sad. If she is not thinking about him, I do not want to bring him up.So I listen to my little girl read a story that I am not quite listening to. Once in a while she stumbles on a word. It is funny how I DO here that. I stop and ask her to spell it so I can help her. I want her to think that I am listening even if I am not.

Starting my Jouney

Last night I spent about 45 min. crying. Like the crying a baby does when they are hurt and don't have the words to explain their pain. I am unsure sometimes about what is with me. I am an overeater that uses food to ease the pain, numb the emptiness, or fight the boredom. For many reasons do I eat.
So my journey to the center of me really starts in the center of me. Bawling like a baby, beggin myself to stop, digging deep for the answers. Yearning for the hand to help me up; realizing that I have two hands. I CAN help myself, but I have to CHOOSE to help myself.I am feeling quite alone in my journey. Not quite sure to who I should share this pain with, or even if I should. I worry of what words that will spill forth from the mouths of those that care.